如贵公司首次使用本处的招聘服务,或曾递交的商业登记证 / 其他登记或注册证已过期 / 更新,请于网上系统递交空缺后,尽快向职位空缺处理中心提交有效的商业登记证(上载【只供已登记的雇主使用】 / 传真号码:2566 3331) / 其他登记或注册证副本(传真号码:2566 3331),并注明成功递交空缺后显示的空缺参考编号,否则空缺将不获处理。
以最新版本的微软 Edge、Mozilla Firefox 或 Google Chrome 浏览器阅读本网站效果最佳。若你仍然使用这些浏览器的旧版本,我们建议你尽快更新至最新版本。请浏览以下网页以更新你的浏览器:
请注意:「中高龄就业计划」旨在透过向雇主发放在职培训津贴,鼓励雇主聘请中高龄人士并为他们提供在职培训。雇员完成计划下的在职培训后,雇主聘用每名60岁或以上失业或已离开职场的年长求职人士,可申请每月最高达5,000元的在职培训津贴,为期6至12个月;聘用每名40至59岁失业求职人士,则可申请每月最高达4,000元的在职培训津贴,为期3至6个月。查询请电「中高龄就业计划」热线2150 6398。
请 按此 进入「中高龄就业计划」专题网页。
If your company is a first-time user of our recruitment services, or the Business Registration Certificate (BRC) / other registration certificate previously submitted expired / has been updated, please provide a copy of the valid BRC (upload [Available to registered employers only] / fax no.: 2566 3331) / other registration certificate (fax no.: 2566 3331) together with the reference number shown after successfully submitting vacancy information to the Job Vacancy Processing Centre after online submission of vacancy order. Otherwise, your vacancy order will not be processed.
The webpages on this website are best viewed with the latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. If you are using older versions of these browsers, we suggest that you update them to the latest versions as soon as possible. To update your browsers, please visit one of the websites listed below:
Starting from 1 May 2025, the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) rate will be raised from $40 per hour to $42.1 per hour. Employers are required to pay their employee(s) no less than the revised SMW rate. All vacancies with wage rates not meeting the revised SMW rate will be cancelled from 30 April 2025.
Please Note:Employment Programme for the Elderly and Middle-aged (EPEM) aims at encouraging employers to hire the elderly and middle-aged and provide on-the-job training, through the provision of training allowance to employers. Upon completion of on-the-job training by eligible employees, employers engaging elderly job seekers aged 60 or above who are unemployed or have left the workforce may apply for an on-the-job training allowance of up to $5,000 per month per employee for a period of 6 to 12 months; while employers engaging unemployed job seekers aged 40 to 59 may apply for an on-the-job training allowance of up to $4,000 per month per employee for a period of 3 to 6 months. For details, please call the EPEM hotline at 2150 6398.
Please click here to enter the EPEM dedicated webpage.
The company names of employers will be displayed for public viewing, along with the vacancy details, such as the post title, job duties, salary/fringe benefits and means of contact.
If employers wish to conceal their company names for various operational/business reasons, those orders would still be processed, but their contact means (e.g. telephone number and email address) will not be displayed. Job seekers who wish to apply for the relevant vacancies must be referred by the Labour Department to arrange interviews with the employers or be informed by the Labour Department about the company name and contact methods.
The free recruitment services of the Labour Department facilitate the dissemination of employment information and assist employers in filling their job vacancies as quickly as possible.
To make better use of our resources in serving more employers and to process the vacancies received as quickly as possible, each employer may submit no more than 30 VOFs in a calendar month to the Job Vacancy Processing Centre (JVPC). In other words, each employer shall submit no more than 30 job titles/posts in a calendar month since each VOF is used for one job title/post only. Employers can fill in the number of vacancy(ies) required for each job title/post per VOF according to their recruitment needs. Each vacancy order will remain valid for 1 month.
Employers who have already reached the monthly limit may submit order(s) in the following month if they still have recruitment needs.
For employers who have genuine recruitment needs, their applications for additional quotas will be assessed by JVPC based on the merits of individual case, subject to the information and reasons provided by the employers. For successful applications, all VOFs should be submitted through the Interactive Employment Service (iES) website (www.jobs.gov.hk) of the Labour Department. VOFs submitted by fax will not be processed.
Thank you for using our recruitment services through the iES website. Please complete your VOF in both English and Chinese as far as possible. The Labour Department requires longer time to process VOFs submitted by fax.
Before submitting the form, please review and ensure that the information provided is accurate. If the information is insufficient or if the job requirements or employment terms do not meet the terms of our recruitment services, it may extend the processing time for the vacancy or result in the vacancy being rejected. Once the vacancy is displayed, employers who have provided a fax number will receive a “Vacancy Display Notification” with the “Order Number” attached.
To protect the interests of job seekers and employers, the Labour Department will review the job description, entry requirements and employment terms of the vacancies to ensure compliance with the Employment Ordinance, the Minimum Wage Ordinance and other relevant legislations and to confirm that it does not contain any discriminatory elements. If necessary, we will contact you to enquire about the details of the vacancy information.
The Labour Department reserves the right to edit and revise contents of the vacancies; and refuse to process or display any vacancies in Job Centres, on the iES website and/or via other publicity channels.