
Eligible ethnic minority job seekers who are interested in joining RDEP can make enrolment through the following means.

  1. Enrol Online
  2. Submit Enrolment Form to RDEP Office by:
    Fax :
    3580 0545
    Email :
    Post :
    RDEP Office of the Labour Department
    Room 1529, 15/F, Harbour Building,
    38 Pier Road, Central
  3. Enrol through NGOs commissioned by the Labour Department
  4. Enrol in person through Job Centres and Industry-based Recruitment Centres

Contact RDEP Office for Enquiries

2150 6359
Email :

Frequently Asked Questions

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Ethnic minority (EM) job seekers, regardless of age, who are lawfully employable in Hong Kong are welcome to join RDEP.

No. Each EM participant of RDEP can only receive services rendered by one NGO commissioned and in one RDEP service region at a time (Please note that there are 3 RDEP service regions, namely Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories).

Yes. EM participants of RDEP who want to change to another NGO commissioned or RDEP service region may make a request to their serving Case Manager or to the RDEP Office.

One of the objectives of RDEP is to provide one-stop employment support services for EM job seekers through a case management approach, so as to enhance their employability and support their career development.

The NGOs commissioned will assign a registered social worker to act as Case Manager of each EM participant for providing customised employment services, including employment needs assessment, career guidance, pre-employment counselling, employment assistance, job matching, job interview preparation, case review and other related support services.

After successful placement of the EM participants, the Case Managers will continue to provide follow-up services for the EM participants as well as their employers, including assisting the employees to adapt to the new working environment and fostering both parties' understanding of each other's work expectations and practices.

No. All EM participants joining the RDEP will become registered job seeker of the Labour Department. Free employment services including job referral service, online job interview, employment advisory service, job fair, telephone job referral service and other online services available at our Interactive Employment Service (iES) website for registered members.

One of the objectives of RDEP is to promote awareness of multi-cultures, employability of EMs and the development of inclusive workplaces. The NGOs commissioned will provide employers in need with information on EM cultures, skills in communicating with them and other support. Interested employers can approach the NGOs commissioned.

EM job seekers/participants shall provide true and accurate information. Provision of false or erroneous information for receiving services or intending to assist the NGOs commissioned to obtain service fees under RDEP, they will be liable to an offence. The Labour Department may refer the cases to other divisions of this Department and/or other government departments/statutory bodies for follow-up.