Employment Services

The Labour Department provides free and easy-to-use employment service to help job-seekers find suitable jobs and employers fill their vacancies. Through its network of Job Centres, the Recruitment Centre for the Catering Industry, the Recruitment Centre for the Retail Industry, the Construction Industry Recruitment Centre, the Telephone Employment Service Centre, the Job Vacancy Processing Centre and the Interactive Employment Service website, a comprehensive range of employment services is provided to both employers and job-seekers.

Job-seekers may apply for jobs through referrals by Job Centres, the Telephone Employment Service Centre or direct approach to employers where appropriate. Telephones, fax machines, Vacancy Search Terminals and computers with Internet connection are available in the Job Centres to facilitate job-seekers to search suitable jobs, prepare resumes and application letters. Job-seekers can use the facilities provided there to complete the whole job-hunting process all at one stop.

Job Centres also provide employment advisory services for job seekers so that they can meet employment officers to discuss their employment needs, to improve job seeking techniques, to obtain information on labour market and training/retraining courses, and/or to undergo career aptitude assessments as appropriate. If you want to make appointment with our employment officer, please approach our Job Centres or click here to submit online application.

Vacancies provided by employers are widely publicised through different channels to facilitate searching and application by job-seekers. By using the Job Placement Service and Online Job Interview, employers may enhance the efficiency of recruitment as Job Centres would assist employers in selecting the right candidates and conducting interviews in a convenient manner. For details, please click here. To obtain further information on the recruitment services of the Labour Department, please click here.

Large-scale Job Fairs

The Labour Department organises large-scale job fairs regularly. Each participating organisation will be allotted an individual booth to introduce vacancies to job seekers, receive applications and conduct interviews on the spot. Participation in job fairs is free of charge. In case the number of organisations enrolled for a job fair exceeds the number of booths available, the Labour Department will draw lots to determine the participating organisations. Please submit the completed application form by email (EIPD-HQ@labour.gov.hk) or by fax (2850 5191) if you are interested in joining the large-scale job fairs.