In order to provide Hong Kong people who intend to look for job opportunities in Macao with the relevant information, we have uploaded onto this webpage general information on Macao and those issues worth noting for working in Macao. Moreover, this webpage serves as an additional channel for job seekers to know more about the employment situation of Macao by gaining access to the job vacancies in Macao provided by Hong Kong employers and to the employment service webpage (Chinese version only) of the Labour Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR. Job seekers should note that the Bureau only provides employment service to Macao resident workers.

This webpage aims at providing general information on employment in Macao. Before making any decision, job seekers should carefully consider whether they are suitable to work in Macao, and should also discuss the matter with their family, colleagues or friends, or seek advice from labour organizations.

With the assistance of the Labour Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR, this website is linked with the websites of the Bureau and other government departments in Macao.


  1. The information provided in these webpages (Employment in Macao) is for reference only. No further notice will be made for subsequent changes.
  2. Macao official documents remain the sole authority for the interpretation of the laws of Macao.