To Submit Vacancy Order Form Online

After logging into your member account, click 'Post Vacancy' in the Employer Homepage, then choose 'New Vacancy'.

(If you are a non-member, choose 'Non-member' under 'Post Vacancy' in the 'Employer' menu to submit vacancy order form).

Choose the nature of your vacancy, so that an appropriate vacancy order form will be shown to you in the next page. Read the Points-to-Note, then press 'Next'.
(If you are a non-member, you have to choose your 'Employer Type'* first. Then choose the nature of your vacancy, and read the Points-to-Note.)
* 'Employer Types' available for selection are: Employer Recruiting in the Name of Company/ Organisation (except Private Educational Institute and Employment Agency), Employer in Personal Capacity, Private Educational Institute, Employment Agency.

Fill in the vacancy details (note: The system will log out automatically if it has not detected 'Submit' action in 45 minutes and you will have to fill in the form all-over again. You are advised to save the vacancy draft if necessary by pressing the 'Save Job Order To Draft Records' button).

Read Part IV Declaration, choose 'Agree' and fill in the full name of Company Representative/ Employer and post title, then press 'Submit'.

Check the correctness of the inputted information, then press 'Submit'.

Mark down the reference number.